Big tobacco is working its way into the infrastructure of developing countries' economies in order to secure future addicts and, subsequently, future revenues. For tobacco corporations morals are obsolete and cold hard cash is the only driving motive behind business development. The economic power of the tobacco industry is handcuffing local growers as well as national governments by providing work for the people and money for the governments at a time when both are hard to come by, and all this is fueled by an addictive product. A good example is China where the tobacco industry provides an estimated 8% of total government revenues and employs approximately 4 million Chinese citizens. Unfortunately, the attractive allure of currency is blocking government leaders' view of some pretty somber facts, such as one million killings and 27 billion in economic losses each year also attributed to the tobacco industry.
Several countries in Africa are also rapidly falling under the chains of corporate tobacco. The following link The Tobacco Trap leads to a short documentary that tells the story of emerging tobacco giants in impoverished Africa. I found the video to be very interesting and highly recommend it to all of you. It will only take a few minutes of your day!
That's really scary and sad that money means more than lives.